Study shows, children who have been exposed to Ballroom Dancing and Dance Sport are physically developing much faster than their peers who have not. The combination of physical movement, music, discipline and, of course, fun is essential for a growing human being. It teaches important societal values of etiquette, communication, and respect for elders and for their peers. Not to mention, that it increases the competitive drive and teaches how to dream and achieve goals. We have covered most of these in the previous article on 5 Reasons Why Your Child Should Ballroom Dance.
Let’s cover the common mistakes ballroom dance parents make, and how to avoid them:
Over / Under Involvement
Over involvement is as bad as a lack of involvement at all. There is no need for you to be on every dance class your child attends, video record every technique their teacher shows (Unless your child, specifically, asks for it). Yet, it is also not good to just drop your little one off and take off about your business. It is understandable, you have to work to make money and to pay for all that dance goodness your child is blessed to experience. Balance! Drop by occasionally and check on their progress. Ask a lot of questions and allow your kid to tell you all about their dance adventures and new things they have learned and discovered.
Not Trusting The Coach
Knowing what’s best for your child is your absolute prerogative. And, before your child attends a dance school, you, indeed, would need to appropriately research it. But, once you have made your decision on a particular coach, stick to it and trust your gut and their knowledge. It takes time for an individual to succeed in DanceSport or anywhere else, thus results take time. Keep in mind, that the worst you can do, is to question the coach’s ability to teach. Try putting yourself into their place first.
As mentioned earlier, private lessons, practice sessions and group classes could be attended occasionally. But, this goes without saying, DanceSport Competitions and any other Performances are a MUST TO ATTEND! Early stages of your kid’s ballroom dance careers are the most vulnerable, and require a strong emotional and physical support. Especially, coming from the most trusting and well known person – YOU – Their Parent. Be there to cheer them up. Share the joy when they do well and be there to emotionally support them when the results are not as good.
Do Not Blame Anyone in their Failures!
Explain that they need to understand and accept “failures” and “bad results” as an essential part of progress.
Not Supporting Your Child’s Decision
To ballroom dance or not to ballroom dance is, quite frankly, your child’s decision. If, even when you asked and begged through the “Pretty Please”, “Do It For Mommy” and “It’s Good For You” your child doesn’t want to continue, DO NOT FORCE THEM!
Perhaps, they will enjoy something else. Same goes if your child is thinking of becoming a Dancer-For-Life and possibly making a career out of this…
It is their life, and their decision!
Post Scriptum. Telling your child not to do something usually results in them doing the opposite. If your child has a strong believe that Ballroom Dancing will be their choice of profession, their mind (at least for now) is set. It is important, however, to educate them of the alternative ways of making a living. Just in case.
Competitive dancing could be hard on the body, with a strong possibility of repetitive injuries. Explaining this to your child will help them to understand the pro’s and con’s, and possibility of alternative solutions.
Author: Egor Shalvarov
Photography: Anna Lebiedzińska Photography / Maggiore Fotografico
Exclusively for Dance Comp Review