f the title of this article got your attention, you have probably thought of taking your child to a ballroom dance studio. But, if you feel that you are lacking information or “effectiveness” of this sport activity, let me make it easier for you…
Here are a few on point statements on why your child should definitely get involved in ballroom dancing:
Based on current British Immigration rules and EU Immigration and Free Market rules and regulation, how does Britains Exit from the EU affect dancers who are not British and British Dancers...
It happens all the time: confusing, super fast or overwhelming melodies can make it difficult for a dancer to find and follow the beat and proper timing of the music. Not good! The beats per minute may be within a set range for competition music, but the melody and the arrangement of the music can make or break it for a dancer.
A relationship on the dance floor is very much like a relationship in life. There is lots of emotion, drama, communication and mis-communication, pressures and sometimes a difficult mis-match of goals. When difficulties become too large, a dance relationship may unfortunately come to a breaking point. Here are a few points on how to deal with dance partner break-ups.
Study shows, children who have been exposed to Ballroom Dancing and Dance Sport are physically developing much faster than their peers who have not. The combination of physical movement, music, discipline and, of course, fun is essential for a growing human being. It teaches important societal values of etiquette, communication, and respect for elders and for their peers. Not to mention, that it increases the competitive drive and teaches how to dream and achieve goals. We have covered most of these in the previous article on 5 Reasons Why Your Child Should Ballroom Dance.
Many of us see it. Many of us live it. All of us know it. Ballroom Dancing is Addictive.
Add sparkle to your Competitive DanceSport MakeUp
Every competitor hopes to do better in every competition. Regular competitors often get an idea of where they will likely place, especially when on the floor with couples who are often in the same heats. With all of that said, most of us have either had the experience, or seen the look of shock on the faces of a couple, when a surprise result is called.
In another article, I mentioned the 5 Positive Points on how Ballroom Dancing would benefit your child. But, it would be biased not to show you the “other” side of the dance industry – The Practical and Sceptic. Don’t get me wrong, I am very much into ballroom dancing and overall Pro-DanceSport, but there are things worth mentioning, that should be taken into consideration before taking your child to the nearest ballroom dance club.
Everyone has heard of planks! And, I bet, a bunch of you already have a killer set of plank-based exercises to give your stomach and lower back an extra little tone. But, since we are all about dancing, let’s talk about how planks can benefit your dance, and not just your looks.
It’s probably the most common challenge we as dancers face at a social dance event: How can we get enough dances to make it worth the trip to the nearest dance hall or Latin club? Sure, it can be frustrating to sit in the corner, arms crossed, glaring at the – wait, hold on; You’re sitting? In the corner?? With your ARMS CROSSED?!
As a beginner bronze competitor with lofty goals of competing American 9 Dance, I couldn’t help but find it overwhelming that I had 9 different dances to practice outside of lessons. I needed to make sure I came up with a plan to get ready for the competition without spending an abundance of time on just the Waltz or Rumba and my Tango looking like a chicken pecking across the floor. I wanted to evenly progress in all American Smooth and Rhythm dances.
Pearl of Wisdom
The one information that my teacher told me which made a big impact in my dance career, that gave me a lot of clarity and understanding is that I do not have to compete with the energy of my partner. That was a huge revelation because I always felt I had to put the same energy, and same usage, to not look weaker than my partner. The understanding that no two people, man or woman, will ever look the
Today’s Hairstyle inspiration is coming from flowers. The Rose, to be exact! “The Hair Rose” – Hairstyle Tutorial
A great picture, as we know, is made of little details. Dancing is no different. Keep these 7 Super Tips in mind when you do your International Latin, and they shall help you with your progress.
I think we have all seen it, and most of us have done it. That highly expressive joyous or passionate look that just looks a bit off. It can be pretty hard to prevent the over the top rapture in rumba or the downright terrifying intensity in tango, but looking flat or bored may be worse. Consider these tips to help your facial expression show just right.
Ballroom dance has its own unique look and feel. Each style within ballroom does too. If you look carefully at the walk and posture of long-term, high level, dancers who dance exclusively standard, smooth, latin or rhythm, they are distinct from each other, and also do not look quite the same as other types of dancers. The same is true for high level ballet dancers, hip hop dancers, contemporary and argentine tango dancers to name just a few.
There is a saying: “You can not manage what you do not measure”. For dancesport competitors, the measurement is generally placement in a competition. This works well, but there is hardly a competitor who has never been puzzled by the placement given by one or more adjudicator, or by their placement relative to another one or more couples.
Bringing the “Slick” side of 50’s with extra gel in this Men’s Hairstyle Tutorial
What rumba is really about and more.
“Swirling” Your Standard Haistyle
Learning new choreography is fun and interesting, particularly if you can remember the steps quickly. Memory is actually an essential skill in competitive dancing, but often we leave it too much to chance.
… Or you’ll end up marrying them.
Most dancers want to dance as well as they can. We take lessons, practice and care for our bodies as part of doing so. Sometimes we think that preparing for a competition requires the same things, perhaps just more of each. The truth is that preparing for a competition has one additional requirement: A Plan.
Its a bad Idea to date your Dance Partner.
However that goes TRIPLE for dating, or wanting to date, your dance instructor!
Low Bun Basket Braid Hairstyle Tutorial
Yes, there are a lot of things that are important for effective training. Great coaching, partner practices, solo practices, eating well and so on. You also may have heard that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to truly master anything. Well, 10,000 hours will take a very long time to achieve if the only time you train your body is on the practice floor. Basically, no one masters anything completely if their only practice is in structured settings.
Think of it as learning a language. You could have a great teacher, and set aside time for practice sessions with other students, but when you go to a country where this language is the only one spoken, your progress will take off like a rocket because your use of that language is built into everything you do.
The most asked for, by lady partners – Competition MakeUp Tutorial For Men
Most dancers have heard of the importance of the initial impression you make, even before getting on the floor to dance. This should not be surprising. In every aspect of life, first impressions matter. It is definitely something to pay attention to in your dancing.
For most people, everything is not always perfect and you do not have everything you need at your disposal all the time. That is why knowing a few good hacks can come in very handy. Here are 12 must know tips and hacks for dancers that will help you in a pinch.